


What Else Events, the UK company behind the award-winning event series, Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live, has announced the appointment of Ralph Collett as chairman. The company says it is gearing up for a period of unprecedented growth.

“What Else Events is committed to delivering truly accessible, affordable, and sustainable events for members of the business community to learn, network, and procure together,” says Tim Else, company founder and managing director.

What Else Events, which currently organises the SHW Live shows in Manchester and Farnborough, says its mission is to launch several events in three to four markets over the next few years – always with a keen focus on people-oriented markets where human connections are critical. This means providing educational content for visitors, numerous networking opportunities, and above all, facilitating vital buyer-seller interactions. The company is also passionate about supporting those industries that are influenced by disruption and ongoing changes in legislation.

Ralph Collett says he is “delighted” to be an investor in and chairman of What Else Events Ltd. “Tim is truly a successful industry professional that I am looking forward to working with to grow the business in the next 3-5 years.”

Else echoes the sentiment, emphasising the importance of scaling the business. “Having successfully launched our first two events in 2021, it is now time to scale the business. Building a focused team of the best event professionals starts with Ralph’s appointment. Our partnership will be the key to successful growth for What Else Events. Watch this space.”
