
North America


The Exhibitions & Conferences Alliance (ECA), the unified advocacy voice of the US business events industry, has announced that its 2025 Legislative Action Day will take place in Washington, DC on 29  May.

ECA’s 2025 Legislative Action Day will bring leaders and advocates from across the business and professional events industry to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to meet with their elected officials in support of ECA’s top public policy priorities.

“From tax reform to workforce development, 2025 is already shaping up to be a pivotal year for the industry in our nation’s capital,” said Tommy Goodwin, ECA’s vice-president. “That’s why it’s critical that everyone in the industry makes plans to be part of ECA Legislative Action Day this May.”

Once again, ECA Legislative Action Day will be held in conjunction with two key industry events taking place that week in Washington, DC:

  • Lippman Connects Exhibition and Convention Executives Forum (ECEF), which will take place on 28  May  As part of its ongoing partnership, ECA is pleased to recognise Lippman Connects as one of its 2025 Legislative Action Day platinum sponsors.
  • mdg, a Freeman Company Executive Roundtable, which will take place on 27 May.

“Every one of the 200-plus leaders at ECEF have an enormous stake in the success of Legislative Action Day,” said Sam Lippman, president, Lippman Connects and producer of ECEF. “We’re proud to be a Platinum Sponsor and encourage our community to participate.”

“We’re excited to kick off such an important week with a facilitated conversation on the essential role vision plays in guiding long-range event and portfolio planning,” said Kimberly Hardcastle, mdg president. “Legislative Advocacy Day will then serve as a perfect complement to this conversation, as industry professionals will be much more likely to realise their vision if their elected officials are working to enhance the business environment in which we operate.”

In addition, ECA is partnering with The George Washington University School of Business to welcome MBA students to Legislative Action Day this year.

“Our students and I are tremendously appreciative of the opportunity to participate in ECA’s Legislative Action Day, and we look forward to contributing to its success,” said Stuart Levy, MBA, PhD, associate teaching professor of management at The George Washington University School of Business. “This course highlight will benefit students by having them intimately engage in the advocacy process while enhancing their communication and networking skills.”
