Now, more so than ever before, brands and businesses are hyper-conscious of their environmental responsibilities. From minimising the amount of raw materials we use to reducing the carbon footprints of our products and services, we are all working to combat climate change by modifying our operating practices where possible.
And, the events and exhibitions sector is no exception to this trend as exhibitors, organisers, designers, sponsors and attendees have all expressed a strong desire to make their industry more environmentally friendly. The widespread nature of this goal should come as no surprise, though, as it merely reflects a global shift in perceptions about the non-negotiable importance of living and working sustainably.
But…how can those of us working in and around this sector hope to achieve our targets? The answer is clear – modular exhibition equipment.
Unlike other construction methods, modular systems such as Mod-U-Lok – the new modular solution that is designed, engineered and manufactured by the team at Unibox – enable users to reconfigure, reuse, repair and recycle exhibition stands both quickly and easily.
Let’s break this down in more detail…
Reconfiguring – with Mod-U-Lok, nothing is set in stone. Structures are designed to be temporary, meaning they can be adapted to meet new spatial or functional requirements whenever necessary. Interior walls, storage areas, ceilings, branded displays, additional floorspace and more can all be incorporated into exhibition stands to ensure that they can perform as needed.
Repairing and reusing – modular exhibition stands can be disassembled and reassembled quickly and easily, meaning its hassle-free to use the same equipment at more than one event. Of course, reusing a stand is one of the simplest yet most effective ways in which you can lower the amount of raw materials being mined (a process which is known to produce damaging amounts of greenhouse gases).
Recycling – Mod-U-Lok is part of Unibox’s wider range of aluminium-based exhibition and display solutions, a metal which is one of the most readily recyclable (and, therefore, widely recycled) materials. This is a unique benefit of Mod-U-Lok because it allows users to uphold their own commitments to reducing the carbon footprints of their businesses.
And there’s more, as these inherent environmental benefits come alongside a whole host of other advantages, too!

Firstly, it is easy to replace individual sections of a Mod-U-Lok exhibition stand should they start to show signs of wear and tear (something that is only to be expected after being used in busy exhibition halls). This means that you will be able to use Mod-U-Lok exhibition equipment time and time again with minimal spending on upkeep, making them an incredibly cost-effective option.
Secondly, there is no doubt that modular systems are the easiest to disassemble after events, transport between locations and store when not in use. Formed of a series of cleverly-designed interconnecting parts, Mod-U-Lok structures can be built without specialist tools or training meaning installation steams will have no issue working within tight deadlines. Moreover, by breaking modular structures down into their constituent parts, transport and storage costs are reduced dramatically.
Thirdly (but by no means finally), modular systems like Mod-U-Lok offer users unbeatable levels of creative freedom when specifying the shape, size, finish and functionality of their exhibition space. There is no “one size fits all” policy with Mod-U-Lok but a philosophy of “whatever size fits you”. Ultimately, this means that as well as doing your part to protect the environment for future generations, you can design an exhibition stand which will be best equipped to ensure your business achieves its targets…whatever they may be.
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