The Travel & Adventure Shows hosted their fifth show in as many weeks at the Los Angeles Convention Center 18-19 February, welcoming more than 17,000 visitors, a 50% increase over 2022 that rivalled pre-pandemic attendance. The show, which marked its 18th year in Los Angeles, included more than 250 exhibitors, 591 travel advisors and over 2,300 travel trade and media members. Show attendees engaged with destination representatives, tour operators and travel providers both domestically and from around the globe.
The Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show featured keynotes by industry heavyweights Rick Steves; Pauline Frommer, editorial director of the Frommer’s Guide; and Peter Greenberg, CBS News travel editor.
The Savvy Traveler Theater showcased travel tips, tricks and actionable advice from notable travel experts. Topics included packing tips and travel hacks and tech from Angel Castellanos; an inside scoop on today’s travel landscape from travel concierge Sarah Dandashy.
There were cookery demos and a rock wall climbing experience from Visit Yosemite Madera County.
“The 2023 Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show marked our 18th year in the City of Angels and it’s no secret that this one was the most important. We are excited to see its revival back to a pre-pandemic audience, both from an attendance perspective and number of exhibitors and what they bring to the show floor,” said John Golicz, CEO of Unicomm, LLC, organiser of the Travel & Adventure Shows. “This year we saw exhibitions that spanned the country from Sitka, Alaska to Miami, Florida and around the world from Brazil to Japan, as well as tour companies that include Arctic expeditions to African safaris.”
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