


The UK’s Association of Event Organisers (AEO) has launched a campaign, #CHOOSEEVENTS, which aims to showcase the diversity of opportunities within events.

The campaign has been spearheaded by AEO’s development board, which is led by Alison Willis (pictured left), divisional director at Easyfairs and James McGough (right), managing director at Clarion Events.

AEO said the campaign aims to “shift the way talent enters the industry, from falling into events to choosing events.” It will run across AEO social media channels and emails, sharing member stories, videos, and insight, with a call to action for the industry to share wider, using the hashtag #CHOOSEEVENTS.

Willis said: “There has been much research and collaboration across the industry to really understand how to not only reach the future talent of our industry, but how to communicate the amazing depth, diversity and creativity of roles our community provides.

“I know I ‘fell’ into the event industry many years ago, as did many of my peers. This is our opportunity to reach the future of the industry with messaging that will resonate and excite the next generation of talent! We have so much to be proud of and to shout about and this campaign gives us the platform to do so.”

Mike Frost, co-founder of Expocast said: “Thousands of extraordinary people have stumbled into the events industry, and while we will continue to gain talent through chance, now is the moment to push this campaign out and show people the many wonderful reasons they should be choosing the sector more proactively.

“The Employee Benchmark and Salary Survey produced last year as part of the AEO/Expocast partnership provided insight into why we are able to retain talent in the industry for years, if not entire careers. Whether it be the travel, social opportunities, the rush of running your event, the chance to work with high profile brands, or the quick progression for those who really excel, the #CHOOSEEVENTS campaign will elevate the wider awareness of our industry like never before.”
